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Hurley and Scholes Families


In each story my direct ancestors are typed in bold when first mentioned

The War and the Home Front
Horace Leopold Hurley 1891-1927 
Marie Frances Box 1891-1973

In 1917 Leo joined his brothers in the 'Great War'. But what happened to him became a big family secret.

'In Advance of His Time'
Thomas Hurley 1864-1931    
Mary Elizabeth Scholes 1865-1954

Thomas had a brilliant career, and Mary was a devoted wife, mother and community member, but they suffered the loss of two sons.

Surgeon and Administrator
Sir Thomas Ernest Victor Hurley

Vic Hurley's great career in war and peacetime, was acknowledged with a knighthood.

Physician and Lecturer
Leslie Everton Hurley 1893-1967

Les Hurley was a talented physician, medical lecturer, devoted father of seven, and a survivor of Gallipoli.

Killed In Action, World War I
John Cromwell Hurley 1889-1917

On October 2nd 1916, Crom Hurley saw Australia for the last time - he was bound for the Western Front.

Craftsmen and Hill Farmers 
The Scholes and Lumb Families of West Yorkshire

In the old country and the new, Absalom and Mary had their faith tested many times.

East Devon Farmers
Hurley Origins in Devon

What's the origin of the name? How did the Hurleys make a living? What's Beer Farm?

Used and Abused
Jane Griffin 1834-1863 
John Hurley Griffin 1825-1916

When Jane sought justice in the courts, she found that her word, as a woman, counted for nothing.

A New Life at Ceres
John Hurley 1834-1915
Mary Margaret Quinn 1845-1917

John Hurley exchanged the Blackdown Hills of Devon for the Barabool Hills of Victoria and married a convict's granddaughter.

A Midwife of Ceres
Elizabeth Frisby 1820-1866
Patrick Quinn 1796-1851

Married at 14, three husbands, and 13 children - Elizabeth was well qualified to be a midwife.

'A Rogue and a Vagabond' 
Elizabeth Glithero/Frisby/Tamplin
1793 -1866

Homeless in Northamptonshire, convicted and transported in 1820. Discover Elizabeth's life journey.

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