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The Cobden Families

In each story my direct ancestors are typed in bold when first mentioned

Suffragist and Tireless Campaigner
Emma Jane Cobden-Unwin 1851-1947

Is a 'person' a woman as well as a man? Jane believed so, but had to defend this in court.

'The Father and Mother of Cobden'
William Cobden 1775-1833
Millicent Amber 1775-1825

Financial ruin brought an end to a long line of Sussex farmers. If only Millicent had been in charge.

Cobdens in Japan
Charles Henry Cobden 1849-1891

The Meiji Restoration provided opportunities for trade and commerce,

but at the expense of a deserted daughter.

Socialist and Suffragette
Julia Sarah Anne Cobden-Sanderson 1853-1926

Anne's radicalism and imprisonment, made her a role model for suffragettes in the USA.

Agitators for Reform
Richard Cobden 1804-1865
James Edwin Thorald Rogers 1823-1890

Richard and Thorald were progressives in their careers, but these brothers-in-law each suffered a terrible loss.

Social Justice and Arts Devotee 
Ellen Melicent Cobden 1848-1914

Nelly was a progressive thinker and a political activist, but not when it came to her devotion to the artist Walter Sickert.

The Last of the Cobdenites
Helena Mary Carroll Cobden Hirst 1880-1965

Left behind by her father, Helena's future was saved by her generous Godfather in Japan.

The Australian Cobdens
Henry Andrews Cobden 1813 -1858 and his sons

In controversial circumstances, Henry and Frances emigrated to New South Wales. But that was nothing compared to their sons' lives.

Family Lines
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