My Hurley and Skidmore Family History
(with various twigs and branches)

Richard Hurley and Corinne Skidmore 1952
These stories are the product of my research into many branches of my Hurley/Box ancestors and my Skidmore/Rogers ancestors.
About 25 years ago, I began by researching my grandparents Horace Leopold Hurley, Marie Frances Box, Valdis Muriel Rogers and John Skidmore, then followed their ancestors back through the generations. From the convict Elizabeth transported in 1820, to gold rush hopefuls, social reformers, farmers, colliers and musicians, my research has taken me to all parts of Britain - England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland, and several states of Australia.
Many organisations and individuals have helped me and are listed following the footnotes of each story. I am extremely grateful to them all. A particular thanks to my intrepid partner and personal photographer, Euan McGillivray who has followed me through graveyards, churches, libraries and villages patiently documenting my discoveries, and our daughter Mary who has been my expert technology guide and mentor.
As I discover more, I will update pages. So please check back from time to time and click the "Update" button on this page.
Ann Hurley